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save the Blue Tier

press release 2, 16 april, 2004

Win for the Blue Tier on tourism!

Minister Green On His First Visit To EcoCentre Sees Blue Tier Brochure And Acts Immediately

Breaking news ... Exclusion Zone moved by Minister?

Friends of the Blue Tier were at the Scottsdale EcoCentre this afternoon meeting with media when Minister for Forests Bryan Green happened to arrive for his first visit to the EcoCentre, leading to a chance meeting which allowed the group to present Mr. Green with a full colour self-drive brochure of the historic north east icon.

In the presence of Andy Corbold, the Assistant District Forester who enforced the original, draconian exclusion zone yesterday, Friends of the Blue Tier produced one of the brochures which the Minister appeared to be viewing for the first time.

Upon being informed that the Exclusion Zone was preventing access to the Lottah Road entrance to the 'Blue Tier Giant' (19.4m biggest tree in northern Tasmania) and the historic Anchor Stampers the Minister appeared to look to Mr. Corbold for confirmation.

Following a conversation between the Minister and Mr. Corbold, it now appears that the tourism value of the area is being recognized and the Exclusion Zone has been lifted from the Anchor Stampers and the roadblock on Lottah Road has also disappeared.

Friends of the Blue Tier member Tom Millen was at the EcoCentre and travelled to the Lottah Road immediately to assess the situation.

'This is a major victory for the Blue Tier and a slap in the face for General Operations Manager Kim Creak who just last night said there was no tourism value in the immediate area,' Mr. Millen said.

'He showed his ignorance of the Blue Tier region last night but the Minister, today, has acquainted himself with the beauty of this area and immediately been moved to allow greater access.'

'There is obviously confusion amongst Forestry Tasmania staff over where the exclusion zone now stands and it will be interesting to see how the influx of Autumn tourists affects the size of the zone,' Mr Millen said.

For further information contact Lesley Nicklason 6373 6195 or 0400 557 418

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