save the Blue Tier
- Last words - Never Give Up 2004/04/21
- The Balls to stop two Macks - Caroline and John Ball at blockade 2004/04/21
- The first arrests - Nicklason, Walter and Hansberry 2004/04/15
- The fourth arrests - Andrews and King in the paddywagon 2004/05/04
- The fifth arrest - Ebi Haas in the paddywagon 2004/05/07
court day
- Speeches in front of St. Helens History Room on 2004/06/02
- The long walk to the courthouse
- Lesley N. laying down the law
- Are we going to a beheading? Or to a party?
- Second walk to the courthouse on 2004/09/16 where all ten arrestees were released without convictions being recorded.
- Annual prilgrimage from Azabu University, Japan, 2009/09/09
- Return visitors from Azabu University, Japan, 2007/09/17
- Tasmanian Living Writers Week 2006 - 19 August
- Blue Tier gets a suikinkutsu.
- Students from Azabu University visit Blue Tier
- Base camp at Anchor Road before eviction
- Part of the Blue Tier Family at Lottah base camp
- Under New Management - Forestry Tasmania disagrees
- Mothers Day picnic at Lottah 2004/05/09
- Imitation being the sincerest form of flattery ..... 2004/05/04
- Breakdowns keep occuring in the damnest places ..... 2004/05/04
- Sakyo Noda who had spent several months atop an E. regnans at the Styx protest posing with friend at the camp, 2004/05/19
- Gloria Andrews lighting symbolic fire as part of a National Day of Action to spport the Wiradjuri people - 2004/05/20
- Dave Howarth chewing the cud with Richard Flanagan at the Lottah camp, 2004/5/22
- Japanese students visiting Blue Tier camp, 2004/06/20
- ..... and return to kodama the forest, 2004/07/11
- ..... and again for the dedication ceremony, 2004/11/28
- Echo members attend Asia Pacific Greens Meeting at Kyoto and submit their reports
- Lower reaches of Wynifred River | more
- Groom River crossing Anchor Road
- Halls Falls
- Landslide on Lottah Road after January 2004 rain; log trucks are carting on this narrow road - God help the hapless tourist meeting one around a blind corner
- Unnamed rock pool above Halls Falls
- Poimena to Weldborough crossing at Wynifred River
- Secondary canopy of manfern at Emu Flats
- Walking through mixed White Gum (E. viminalis) forest at start of Emu Flat track near Weldborough
- Goblin Forest Track at Poimena under snow, a fairly rare event
life after clearfelling
- Goulds Country intrepid flying ace Bob Lowth breached 24-hour security guard at the entrance of the logging coupe by guiding his helicopter over the scene. Here are some images: Pix1, Pix2, Pix3
- Some scenes after the loggers have finished harvesting coupe GC134D: Pix1, Pix2, Pix3 and Pix4. And we have a page on the waste.
- Forestry Tasmania practice of ploughing down the contour instead of across the slope (Figures 2, 3 and 4); then they trash the watercourses (Figures 6, 7 and 8).
- Poisoned with 1080! A pile of carcasses poisoned by Forestry Tasmania after clearfelling coupe GC134D on the Blue Tier. No, FT has not laid the poison yet, but we will present the gruesome images when they do.
natural history index
flora (view dicotyledons and monocotyledons pages)
- Acacia dealbata - Silver Wattle, flowering in early August
- Acacia melanoxylon - Blackwood
- Atherosperma moschata - Sassafras
- Billardiera longiflora - Mountain Blue Berry
- Clematis aristata - flowering early Summer
- Dianella tasmanica - Blue Berry; Summer flowering
- Drymophila cyanocarpa - Native Solomon's Seal; summer flowering
- Dicksonia antartica - Manfern
- Eucalyptus regnans - Mountain Ash, the 'Big Tree' with 19.4 m girth dwarfing Bob and John
- Eucalyptus subcrenulata, - Alpine Yellow Gum, recently discovered on the Blue Tier. Notes
- Gastrodia sesamoides - Potato Orchid; summer flowering
- Gaultheria hispida - Snow Berry
- Huperzia varia - ancient plant form, club moss species
- Nothofagus cunninghami - Myrtle Beech 'The Spreading Myrtle'
- Scene of moss covered myrtle tree trunks against misty background. A poster of this image is available from the photographer.
- Persoona gunnii
- Phyllocladus aspleniifolius - Celerytop pine; Summer flowering
- Prostanthera lasianthos - Christmas Bush; flowering December
- Pterostylis decurva - Summer Greenhood
- Scaevola hookeri - Creeping Fan Flower; Summer flowering
- Stylidium graminifolium - Trigger Plant
- Tasmannia lanceolata - Native Pepperberry
- Telopea truncata - Tasmanian Waratah
- Todea barbara - Southern King Fern
- Utricularia dichotoma - Bladderwort, Fairies' Aprons; Summer flowering
flora - ferns is on another page.
flora - fungi is on another page.
fauna - mammals
- Orphan baby wombat
- Rare white wombat, Vombatus ursinus, casualty of traffic; poem by Sandy Winstanley
- Rare white echidna, Tachyglossus aculeatus from Blue Tier
- White Bennett's wallaby, Macropus rufogriseus: this one is truly stuffed
- Pygmy possum, Cercartetus nanus (or possibly C. lepidus - positive identification requested)
fauna - birds
fauna - reptiles
fauna - miscellaneous
- Yabby - unknown species
- Stag Beetle, (Hoplogonus bornemisszai)
Copyright of the images on this site belong to their respective submitters.