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save the Blue Tier

press release 1 april, 2004

Minister’s Reply An April Fool?

Zero Consultation Produces A Decision

The Friends of the Blue Tier today said that they have it on good advice that Minister for Forests, Bryan Green MHA has rejected the Break O'Day Council's request for a Public land Use Inquiry despite having engaged in zero consultation with the community over the Blue Tier Nature Recreation Area.

Friends of the Blue Tier spokesperson Lesley Nicklason said that she has been reliably informed that a reply has come from the Minister to Break O'Day council but that the Minister has been conspicuous by his absence in the area.

'As far as we can see the Minister has not come to St Helens to speak to locals about the precious Blue Tier area, he has not consulted with our group, he has not spoken with the St Helens History Room, he hasn’t visited the information station at the Anchor Road coupe and he hasn’t visited the Blue Tier to see the magic of the area.

It’s also surprising that it is the Minister for Forests who is rejecting the request for a Public land Use Inquiry when we thought it was the Minister for the Environment, Judy Jackson who had the responsibility of responding.

The Public Land Use Inquiry option was the result of an extensive NRM special committee report and has been the official stance of the Break O'Day Council for over three months.

The Anchor road coupe is a vital part of an intact water catchment for St Helens and the concerns over soil erosion and the impact of clearfelling on our water supply were key arguments presented in our community audit of the Anchor Road coupe.

The Blue Tier is about water, bio-diversity, cultural heritage and our eco-tourism future not to mention community representation and democracy.

We are still extending a warm invitation to Ministers Bacon, Jackson and Green to come and visit this icon of the north east and see for themselves why everyone who comes to the Blue Tier sees that its too precious to chip.'

For further information contact Lesley Nicklason 6373 6195 or 0400 557 418

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