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save the Blue Tier

press release, 5 december, 2003

Minister Lennon In Secret Meeting

Blue Tier Public Land Use Inquiry Dismissed Out of Hand

The Friends of the Blue Tier today were astounded to learn from the Break O'Day Council agenda for Monday December 8th, that Minister Paul Lennon had a clandestine meeting with mayor Salter, general manager Brian Inches and NRM coordinator Peter Stafford in Launceston on November 21 and that at that meeting the Minister dismissed out of hand the option of a Public Land Use Inquiry into the Blue Tier Region.

Friends of the Blue Tier spokesperson Lesley Nicklason said that as far as she knew no other councilors had been informed that the meeting was taking place and no input had been sought to present to the Minister the strength of feeling that supports the campaign for the creation of the Blue Tier Nature Recreation Area.

“By openly rejecting any consideration of allowing an RPDC Public land Use Inquiry into the Blue Tier region the Minister is hoping that Council will feel forced to dismiss that option, which he knows will subject them to an enormous community outcry,” Ms Nicklason said.

“However we believe the Council realises that all they must do, is listen to the community and consider the future of the Blue Tier and St Helens water supply and ratify Option one of the Break O'Day NRM report and request a Public Land Use Inquiry.”

“It will then be up to the government to reject it and they will be the ones who will be the target of community outrage,” Ms Nicklason said.

“The Blue Tier region is an icon of state significance and it is the government which should be stepping up and saying 'We hear the community and we realize that this issue requires a comprehensive independent assessment to truly map out a path for the future’. The reason we are fighting so hard for the Blue Tier is because it is worth so much. What we want is an independent inquiry to reveal just how much this region could do for the area if preserved and promoted,” Ms Nicklason said.

For further information contact Lesley Nicklason 6373 6195 or 0400 557 418

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