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save the Blue Tier

press release, 7 november, 2003

Forestry Sure Heard But Will They Listen?

The Friends of the Blue Tier were thrilled to find fifty supporters gathered on the lawns outside the Break O'Day Council chambers this morning to greet Forestry Tasmania’s Evan Rolley as he arrived to meet with Break O'Day council.

Friends of the Blue Tier spokeswoman Lesley Nicklason said that the 'Honk for the Blue Tier' sign had led to a crescendo of tooting and beeping for ninety minutes and had leant a carnival atmosphere to the day.

'The joy and support on people’s faces outside here today shows how excited people in Break O'Day are at the thought of the creation of the Blue Tier Nature Recreation Area.'

'I'd like to think that Forestry went inside today and put away yesterday’s plans for clear felling and unfurled tomorrow’s plans for a managed reserve for the people of the north east, the rest of Tassie and the world that will see our catchment protected and investment in eco tourism finally allowed to occur,' Ms Nicklason said.

'I am about to meet with Mr. Rolley at 1pm and we will be discussing Forestry’s reaction in the face of the last 12 months of overwhelming support for the Blue Tier.'

'This is a Tas Together forest area and to be planning fresh logging 12 months after the deadline for an end to clearfelling conservation areas has past is unacceptable,' Ms Nicklason said.

'The ball is in their court, let’s see if they are ready to play fair with the future of the north east,' Ms Nicklason said.

For further information contact Lesley Nicklason 6373 6195 or 0400 557 418

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