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save the Blue Tier

blue tier suikinkutsu

11 November, 2005

The second day was spent surrounding the pot with rocks of varying sizes and pouring a layer of concrete over the top to protect the air space needed for resonance.

nihonngo [click on images for larger versions]

Hide passing rocks to person laying them below, with Kumi looking on.

Beris and Kumi trying their hand at laying the rocks.

Kaye putting on the finishing touches with smaller pebbles.

Ben, Beris and Kumi sorting out the tiles for the mosaic spiral which will decorate the top.

Supporting wall on the lower side of construction.

Rob putting his considerable rock building experience to good use.

The stone wall is build to surround and rise above the inverted pot.


A layer of concrete is laid over the pebbles to prevent ingress of soil between the air spaces.

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