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The Blue Tier - a natural history

Book Launch - 20 January, 2007

The Blue Tier - front cover

The Blue Tier: a natural history
describing the glacial refugium, plant communities, birds, fungi, mosses, invertebrates, mammals and reptiles. Colour photographs throughout; includes species lists

by Sarah Lloyd

with the assistance of Lesley Nicklason and Friends of the Blue Tier


Available for purchase for $45.00 + $2.50 postage from:
Lesley Nicklason
167 Forest Lodge Road
Pyengana, TAS 7216
Ph: 63736195

Life in the Shadows

Life in the Shadows - front cover

Life in the shadows: the natural history of Black Sugarloaf is a personal story of discovery and wonderment by Sarah Lloyd.

In 1988, when Sarah moved to the forested slopes of Black Sugarloaf with her partner, composer Ron Nagorcka she knew she'd arrived in a naturalist's paradise. Birds have been her life-long passion, and here she could explore Tasmania's forest birds in intimate detail. She gained a deeper understanding of their habitat requirements, interactions with plants and extensive vocal repertoires during her participation in the Australian Bird Count, organised by Birds Australia. Before long the diverse array of colourful fungi in the eucalypt forest also captured her attention as did the bewildering variety of invertebrates.

At a time when there are extraordinary pressures on the natural world caused by the fragmentation, modification or destruction of habitat, Sarah believes passionately that it is through an increased awareness of the beauty and importance of the species with which we share the planet that an ethic of protection will develop.

Sarah Lloyd is a well known Tasmanian naturalist, writer and photographer. She has had an interest in natural history since early childhood and now writes regularly for local publications about birds, fungi, the interactions between plants and animals, and other aspects of the natural world. She is the editor of the popular and well respected The Natural News produced by the Central North Field Naturalists.

Life in the Shadows is the fourth in a series of natural history books about particular locations in Tasmania. Rhythms of the Tarkine: a natural history adventure, was a collaboration with Ron Nagorcka and includes a CD of natural sounds and Ron's music. Other books include Save me! - a natural history of Quamby Bluff, The Blue Tier - a natural history and her very popular collection of essays on natural history: The silent cicada and other natural sounds.

Life in the Shadows is available for $50.00 per copy including postage from:
Sarah Lloyd
999 Denmans Road
Tasmania 7303

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