save the Blue Tier
supporters' messages
[We welcome and encourage messages of support from like-minded souls who are appalled at the wanton destruction of native forest and its defenseless inhabitants on the Blue Tier. Please e-mail your messages.]
#10 - My family and I completed your Big Tree walk today during our
two week visit to Tasmania (we're from Geelong, Vic). We just wanted
to write to say how much we enjoyed the walk and the tree, it was
great! The signage was good and the track easy enough to follow
despite the fallen trees and branches.
It's really great to see groups such as yours caring for our precious
environment and we wish you all the best with your preservation
efforts in the the Blue Tier area in the future.
Merry Christmas
Ben (Geelong, Vic.) - 2024/12/20
#9 - As a person who lives in NSW but whose second home is now the
very small town of Weldborough at the foot of the Blue Tier I am
discovering more about the Blue Tier every time I visit. It is a
magical, beautiful area with rivers and waterfalls, ancient trees,
forests of tree ferns, mosses, fungi and is home to so much wildlife.
This area is a treasure that must be protected and not destroyed by
government backed logging or removal of tree ferns again sanctioned by
the Tasmanian government. The Blue Tier wilderness is a unique asset
and these forests are worth more standing.
Mel (Newcastle NSW) - 2023/05/27
#8 - Ella & I had a serendipitous encounter with two absolutely
wonderful women who were quietly making good the walking track for
visitors to Halls Falls & the rock-pools.
Having just returned from a (far to brief & accidental) visit to
Blue Tier, we enjoyed their company, local knowledge, dedication and
above all ... passion.
Their view of any one industry was not scathing. Their information
was a balanced and sensitive appraisal of a situation where
economy, environment, history and culture unite.
The environment in the NE Tasmanian region is rare and precious and
thank goodness people are prepared to stand out and fight for its
preservation ... on every level.
I really hope to meet these two again.
Kate MacRae - 2015/01/27
#7 - Hello, i receive news letters from Huon Valley and that night, i
discover your site because i'm learning about liverworts ... Your
site is a marvellous site and i want to say it to friends! I love
Tasmania! When i could, i should go and visit yout pluvial primary
forests without Gunn's Ltd and TA ANN, i hope!!!!! You know in
Bible, it's written something like you cannot adore 2 masters
together , mamôn or G-D ... But now a few people have chosen, they
idolize mamôn the gold and they become very rich and important
people ... They are destructive men. We have to be very clever and
linked together to fight and win. We also can pray the Lord to help
us in this fight to protect our (His) planet!
Marie Huot, french mother - 2012/02/03
[ original & unedited :) ]
#6 - G'day to everyone in the Blue Tier campaign,
I have just
been on the website and looked at the photos of the suikinkutsu. I
love it! What a wonderful, positive addition to the beautiful Blue
Tier! It reflects the indomitable spirit of all of you good
people. Keep up the good fight to save the Tiers. I am currently in
Vietnam where there is dreadful environmental damage but also rich
cultural and spiritual sites, the existence of some saving areas from
further development or destruction. When the voice of reason is
finally heard on the Blue Tier, the suikinkutsu will have contributed
to the end of logging and added another layer to the cultural wealth
of North East Tassie. I look forward to the next creative venture.
Love to all
Chris Haas, Vietnam - 2006/01/30
#5 -Also watched Giants of the Forest, can't believe what
I saw.
How can someone think that they have the right to destroy living
things that we will never get back in our lifetime, or our children's
children - for profit.
Murdering animals with poison, where is the R.S.P.C.A.?
wanted to go to Tassie on holidays, maybe I'll just go to Sydney - no
trees there either!!
Loved the Blue Tier song, why is it not on the radio. I'm sure that if
more people knew about this we could stop it.
The people I have told find it hard to believe that this could be
happening in Australia.
best wishes to all involved in the protest, hang in there people.
Susan Chambers, Taree - 2006/01/05
#4 - We watched the Giants of the Forest special on TV
today and we support any action to save any of the Giant old trees -
come to think of it, all of the trees they intend to clear. We don't
own these trees; they belong to the earth.
Makeham/Conway Family, Wagga Wagga - 2005/12/31
#3 - All of us living in Tasmania share the same faith with all of
you that we must work together to conserve this beautiful forest. We
declare that we will keep on supporting and cooperating with your
actions, and that we will communicate to others after going back to
our homeland, we understand the aim of your actions, and will not
forget this experience."
students, Hobart, Australia - 2004/06/20
#2 - I read the articles at the site. Please give my words of
support to these brave people. It may seem strange that someone
situated geographically as far as here in Russia wants to support
protesters on Tasmania, but the problem you face looks way too
familiar to us too - many unique places were wiped out clean from the
map of Russia only because of some oligarch's money interests. It's a
very small and very fragile world, destroying it is easy but
recovering is unfortunately slow and difficult and sometimes
impossible. I don't know whether my voice can make any difference,
but I join your protest and say "NO" to cutting down of the forests on
I. Semyonova, Moscow, Russia - 2004/05/31
#1 - I had the pleasure of visiting the Lottah region nearly 10
years ago, and the pristine beauty of the area is still fresh in my
memory. I can remember the crispness of the air, the lingering scent
of eucalyptus, and the resplendent wildlife that did not demonstrate
the anxiousness common to animals that have been threatened by adverse
human interaction. My fondest memory is that of sitting quietly in the
grass at dusk to watch a platypus begin its day at the Marie Louise
Dam. What a peaceful and rare experience. It is my hope that the hills
of Blue Tier will be protected so that our children will have the
opportunity to be touched by this ecological jewel.
Dr. Darlene Lim, NASA Ames Research Center, USA -