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natural history: slime moulds

plasmodial slime moulds: Mucilago crustacea

First image on each row is of scene - second is detail of same.

Unidentified slime mould Unidentified slime mould 2009/09/07 - Day 1: first sighting of Mucilago crustacea after prolonged wet weather but we were unable to determine how long this has been massing
Unidentified slime mould Unidentified slime mould 2009/09/08 - Day 2: considerably larger mass; sporangia formation barely visible in close-up
Unidentified slime mould Unidentified slime mould 2009/09/09 - Day 3: sporangia formation obvious in close-up
Unidentified slime mould Unidentified slime mould 2009/09/10 - Day 4: change to warm sunny day with mould exposed to bright sunshine for several hours in the morning
Unidentified slime mould Unidentified slime mould 2009/09/11 - Day 5: sunny day again - close to releasing spores?
Unidentified slime mould Unidentified slime mould 2009/09/12 - Day 6: another sunny day - note how the sporangia are much drier than on previous day
Unidentified slime mould Unidentified slime mould 2009/09/13 - Day 7: looks like the beginning of the end with deflated sacs probably having dispersed spores

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