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tasmanian liverworts - Treubiaceae

Treubia tasmanica sporophytes

Treubia tasmanica sporophytes
1. Developing sporophytes on 4 November 2022

These images complement the article The fruiting body of Treubia tasmanica (Marchantiophyta: Treubiaceae).

Following are collages of images taken daily over 24 days from 31 October 2022 when the capsule first emerged from the calyptra to 23 November which was the last day before the seta collapsed.

Images with the Blue Tier logo are in the public domain.



The following images were provided by Andrew McLennan. The first two were taken on 12 November 2021 and the others on 6 November 2022. These images were taken with an Olympus TG-6 and depict colours more vividly than those above which were taken on a Canon G12.

Sporophyte cluster
A. Sporophyte cluster
Developing sporophyte
B. Developing sporophyte
Young sporophytes
C. Young sporophytes
Mixed sporophytes
D. Mixed age sporophytes


A second fruiting population was discovered in 2023:

Sporophyte cluster
E. Young sporophytes
Developing sporophyte
F. Sporophyte within calyptra
Young sporophytes
G. Dehised sporophyte
Mixed sporophytes
H. More sporophytes


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