save the Blue Tier
natural history: birds
Following is a list of birds found on the Blue Tier provided by
Sarah Lloyd; we are indebted to her for most of the images as well as
for the sound recordings.
Key:(i) = introduced; (e) = endemic; (be) = breeding endemic;
(m) = migratory
We have a page of bird image thumbnails available (180kB).
Random image of Blue Tier birds
- Accipiter novaehollandiae - Grey Goshawk
- Accipiter cirrhocephalus - Collared Sparrowhawk
- Aquila audax - Wedge-tailed Eagle
- Ardea ibis - Cattle Egert
- Ardea novaehollandiae - White-faced Heron
- Cacomantis flabelliformis - Fan-tailed Cuckoo
- Calyptorhynchus funereus - Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo
- Cuculus pallidus - Pallid Cuckoo (young) ♪♫ cucpal.mp3 | cucpal.ogg (10 sec./78kB)
- Dacelo novaeguineae - Laughing Kookaburra
- Gallinula mortierii - Tasmanian Native-hen
- Lathamus discolor - Swift Parrot (be)
- Ninox boobook - Southern Boobook
- Phaps elegans - young Brush Bronzewing
- Platycercus caledonicus - Green Rosella (e)
- Podargus strigoides - Tawny Frogmouth
- Vanellus miles - Masked Lapwing
- Acanthiza ewingii - Tasmanian Thornbill (e)
- Acanthiza pusilla - Brown Thornbill
- Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris - Eastern Spinebill
- Acanthornis magnus - Scrubtit
- Anthochaera chrysoptera - Little Wattlebird (Brush Wattlebird)
- Anthochaera paradoxa - Yellow Wattlebird (e) (young)
- Artamus cyanopterus - Dusky Woodswallow
- Carduelis carduelis - European Goldfinch (i)
- Colluricincla harmonica - Grey Shrike-thrush (young) ♪♫ colhar.mp3 | colhar.ogg (8 sec./67kB)
- Coracina novahollandiae - Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike (m)
- Corvus tasmanicus - Forest Raven
- Coturnix ypsilophora - Brown Quail
- Cracticus torquatus - Grey Butcherbird
- Hirundo neoxena - Welcome Swallow
- Lichenostomus flavicollis - Yellow-throated Honeyeater (e)
- Malurus cyaneus - Superb Fairy-wren
- Melanodryas vittata - Dusky Robin (e)
- Melithreptus affinis - Black-headed Honeyeater (e)
- Melithreptus validirostris - Strong-billed Honeyeater (e)
- Pachycephala olivacea - Olive Whistler
- Pachycephala pectoralis - Golden Whistler, male with young
- Pardalotus punctatus - Spotted Pardalote
- Pardalotus striatus - Striated Pardalote (m)
- Petroica multicolor - Scarlet Robin
- Petroica phoenicea - Flame Robin
- Petroica rodinogaster - Pink Robin
- Phylidonyris novaehollandiae - New Holland Honeyeater
- Phylidonyris pyrrhoptera - Crescent Honeyeater | fledglings
- Rhipidura fuliginosa - Grey Fantail
- Sericornis humilus - Tasmanian Scrubwren (e)
- Stagonopleura bella - Beautiful Firetail
- Strepera fuliginosa - Black Currawong (e)
- Strepera versicolor - Grey Currawong
- Sturnus vulgaris - Common Starling (i)
- Turdus merula - Common Blackbird (i)
- Zoothera lunulata - Bassian Thrush
- Zosterops lateralis - Silvereye ♪♫ zoslat.mp3 | zoslat.ogg (5 sec./42kB)
- Acoustic monitoring of Tasmania's bush and forest birds
- Green, R. H., The Fauna of Tasmania: Birds, Potoroo
Publishing, (1995) ISBN-10: 0949404020
- Watts, D. Field Guide to Tasmanian Birds, New Holland
Publishers, Ltd. (September 2000) ISBN-10: 1864364807
- Department of Tourism, Arts and the Environment maintains a list of
birds found in Tasmania